Dungeon & Maid is a hentai platform game where the player plays a maidtrapped in a dungeon. The aim of the game is to escape the dungeon. Thedungeon is filled with monsters such as zombies, mummies and tentaclemonsters. Getting caught by a monster means being violated and losing somehealth. Losing all health means game over, but the player has an unlimitednumber of continues. The player can fire magical bolts on the monsters butthese bolts consumes mana. Mana recovers over time but recovery can be speededup by collecting blue flasks or by masturbating. But care has to be takenwhile masturbating since the player is vulnerable to enemy attacks. There areother girls trapped in the dungeon and if the player saves them lots of coinsand some times even power-ups can be earned. At the end of each level there isan end of level boss. There is a gallery option where the player can watch theviolation animations, however these must first have been experienced in thegame itself.
[H Games] Dungeon Maid (September 2015)
DOWNLOAD: https://urlcod.com/2vGfSI